ZF Ships Clutches to Japan from Shanghai
16 February 2009
To utilize the low production costs in China, German company ZF Sachs AG has started shipping clutches from its Shanghai plant to Mazda Motor Corp. in Japan.
The China-made clutches will replace parts ZF Sachs currently sources from its plant in Europe.
ZF Sachs plans to export about 100,000 sets of clutches to Japan in 2009 from its China joint venture Shanghai Sachs Powertrain Components Systems Co., according to a manager of Shanghai Sachs familiar with the export program.
ZF Sachs already exports torsion dampers from China to Hyundai in Korea and torque converters to customers in the Asia Pacific region.
ZF Sachs is the powertrain and suspension components division of German supplier group ZF Friedrichshafen AG.
Source : english.chinabuses.com
Editor : July