Electric Commercial Vehicles Rose in First Three Quarters
03 November 2015
www.chinabuses.org: According to the latest statistics released by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China produced 156,200 units new energy vehicles from Jan. to Sept. this year, including 39,700 units electric commercial vehicles (the number is nearly eight times of that registered last year) and 12,600 units plug-in hybrid commercial vehicles (the volume went up by 75% compared with that registered last year). The production volume of new energy commercial vehicles accounted for 33.5% of the total production volume of new energy vehicles.
Thanks to the governments’ unrelenting supports and subsidies, the new energy commercial vehicle sector realized fast-speed growth. In 2015, Beijing Municipal Government gave out a subsidy of 1,800 RMB per kilowatt-hour for all electric special vehicles. Every such emission-free vehicle is entitled to receive a total amount of no more than 135,000 RMB subsidies. Jiangsu provincial government also handed out 800 RMB subsidies for a battery capacity of one kilowatt-hour and every such emission-free vehicle can get a total amount of subsidies of no more than 60,000 RMB.
Source : www.chinabuses.org
Tags: Electric Commercial Vehicle