China's Buses Held 20.7% of Chile's Market in 2013

25 April 2014 According to Asociacion Nacional Automotriz de Chile (ANAC), buses made in China accounted for 20.7% of Chile's market in 2013, following only after German bus brands, which held up to 56.5% of the total market. Then followed by Sweden (9.3%), Japan (4.5%), South Korea (4.5%), Brazil (4.5%), and Italy (1.4%). From 2008 to 2013 (Note: the number of 2009 not available), the total sales volume of Chinese buses in Chile numbered 120, 239, 678, 964 units respectively.

Juan Esteban, Director of Chile Chamber of Commerce (Chicit) points out that Chinese buses are are high quality and are competitive in their prices. Because of these, they are becoming increasingly popular in Chile.

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Editor : Dang


Tags: China bus Chile

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