16 Units of 8m Fengtai Buses Exported to Canada
27 April 2013
www.chinabuses.org : On April 16th, 2013, Su Liqian, president of Xiamen Fengtai International New Energy Vehicles Company, visited CIQ service of Haicang, Xiamen, to thank them for their consistent help.
Recently, 16 city buses made by Fengtai Group were exported to Canada. The buses are 8 meters long, and are equipped with new energy engines, which could save oil by as much as 10%.
The purchase was the first of its kind made by the Canadian government. Also, the 16 buses marked the first time Chinese buses exported to Canada in whole batches. Prior to that, Chinese buses were only exported to Canada in forms of sample vehicle, by one or two units at one time.
Chinese buses found Middle East and Africa as the major markets. In recent years, buses are exported more and more to countries like Brazil, Thailand, Mexico and etc. To meet different requirement, bus makers developed new bus models for those markets.
Canada, a country in the west world, has strict rules towards imported buses, in terms of safety, emission, reliability and etc, which served as high bars for foreign bus makers. CIQ service of Haicang sent people to Fengtai and instructs them in the manufacturing, so that the products of Fengtai could meet the high standards of Canada. With the help of professional instructions of CIQ Haicang, Fengtai company finally passed examination of Canadian customers. To facilitate the exportation of the buses, CIQ Haicang formed a special team and provided every necessary convenient.
Source : www.chinabuses.org
Editor : dennis