Yangtse Bus to Be National-level School Bus Production Base

24 August 2012

www.chinabuses.org:"Industry Survey Report" released by "Research Team of National Safe School Bus Self-innovation & School Bus Production Base Project" unveiled Chuzhou Yangtse Bus, which was the first enterprise producing school buses, to the public.

Ten days after the report was submitted to the State Council, the CEIEC (China Educational Instrument & Equipment Corporation) signed the strategic cooperation agreement with Yangtse Bus Company.

It's said Yangtse Bus Company owns 3000-meter bus production line with annual capacity of 2000 units and 10 models in official announcement from 6 meters to 9.5 meters, including six flat-nose ones and four long-nose ones.

Besides, Yangtse Bus Company planned to invest RMB 1.1 billion Yuan to produce 20 thousand school buses, which would make Yangtse the real professional school bus production base.

Source : www.chinabuses.org:

Editor : Song


Tags: Yangtse school bus production base

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