King Long Launched Innovative XMQ6125AY
10 July 2012 As the maturity of bus market, bus manufacturers focus on improving the technologies. 2012 Beijing International Exhibition on Buses, Trucks & Parts was held in Beijing, in which many bus manufacturers launched new products and technologies. King Long, as the leading innovative enterprise, exhibited its new model-XMQ6125AY.
Produced in principle of "4S"-"Safe, Saving, Smart and Stability", King Long XMQ6125AY was appealing in vogue appearance: mazarine body, streamline shape, and double-windshield glass, etc. Besides, based on monocoque structure and close-loop design, King Long XMQ6125AY was equipped with many energy-saving and safe devices, such as LDWS, RADAR anti-collision warning system, ECO-Driving system and Intelligent Driving Control System, etc.
It's worth mentioning that XMQ6125AY is equipped with its self-developed air suspension system. It took King Long Tech Center over two years to develop the new air suspension system which passed many strict tests.
It's said that new-generation King Long buses were produced in accordance with the development idea of platform and module. Besides XMQ6125AY, 11m low XMQ6115AY bus was unveiled in the exhibition.
Source :
Editor : Song
Tags: King Long XMQ6125AY exhibition