Vice Minister of the Ministry of Communications Feng Zhenglin Visits King Long Exhibition Booth

21 May 2012 On May 17th, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Communications Feng Zhenglin came to 2012 Beijing International Exhibition on Buses, Trucks & Components and visited King Long exhibition stand, accompanied by the President of King Long. Vice Minister Feng visited the latest King Long XMQ6125AY.


Vice Minister

President of King Long Gu Tao introduced KL-988 information system to Vice Minister Feng. The information system is able to intelligently monitor the operation of the buses and correct the bad driving behavior affecting the safety and oil consumption.


Vice Minister

Vice Minister Feng Zhenglin spoke highly of the information system and he also appraise the contributions to the oil reduction the "Intelligent Driving Control System" made.

Source :

Editor : Song


Tags: King Long exhibition Ministry of Transport KL-988

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