ZOU, Huxiao Interprets King Long Intelligent Drive Control System

16 April 2012

www.chinabuses.org:On April 7th, 2012, King Long held the news conference for its "Intelligent Drive Control System" in Nanjing, to which President of China Highway & Transportation Society Bus Branch ZOU, Huxiao was invited. During the conference, President ZOU put forward his professional opinions on the topic of "telematics" and spoke highly of King Long Intelligent Drive Control System which made a breakthrough in oil-saving technology for traditional diesel buses.


President of China Highway & Transportation Society Bus Branch ZOU, Huxiao

President ZOU, Huxiao said electronic technology, information technology and communication technology would be the direction and tendency of bus technology development. With its original KL-988 onboard computer, based on central database, King Long is able to control the engine and power chain automatically.

He also pointed out that safety, energy-saving and environment-protection were the important direction of policy guidance of the government on modern automotive and transportation business. The launching of King Long Intelligent Drive Control System showed that King Long took social responsibility upon itself while pursuing the development of the enterprise.

Source : www.chinabuses.org:

Editor : Song


Tags: King Long Intelligent Drive Control System Nanjing oil-saving

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