The State Council Publicizes Regulation on School Bus Safety Management

11 April 2012 Sate Council publicized Regulation on School Bus Safety Management and published on the Chinese Government's Official Web. This special regulation brings school bus safety issues into legal system and establishes fundamental system of school bus safety assurance.

The regulation contains 62 articles, including eight chapters of General Provisions, Schools and School Bus Service Suppliers, School Bus License, School Bus Drivers, School Bus Access Safety, School Bus Taking Safety, Legal Responsibilities and Supplementary Provisions.

"We would proceed from reality, to ensure the system practicable" Head of Legal Affairs Office of the State Council said. For the key link of school bus safety assurance, we formulated the regulation in accordance with China's actual conditions, especially the actual conditions of rural areas; taking the different situations of different areas, we left room for local specific measures while establishing universally applicable system.

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Editor : Song


Tags: school bus regulation State Council

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