National 4 Emission Standard to Be Carried in 2010
10 September 2010 Officials in Department of Science &Technology and Standards of Ministry of Ministry of Environmental Protection declared that it will release national 4 emission standard for light vehicles this year, and currently it is national 3 standard for light vehicles.
EU has brought vehicle carbon emission into their standard system and national 4 standard may be included into China standard system, said an official during China 2010 Auto Industry Development Forum.
China government will have tight control on vehicle emissions in 2011-2015 Development Period, including more rigorous emission standards, perfecting reporting system of vehicles up to the standards, to repair and recall vehicles failing to meet emission standards etc.
It can be seen from disclosed materials that over 75% of air pollution are carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon which were emitted by vehicles in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou etc. large cities.
Source :
Editor : Eric
Tags: National 4 emission environment protection