FAST Gearbox Patent Authorized in Ukraine
03 December 2009 Recently, FAST 12-speed gearbox patent of invention was authorized by Ukraine Patent Office, indicating FAST made significant breakthrough in their international process. And core technology of another new gearbox product also got patent of invention by Department of Intellectual Property.
FAST applied patent for 12-speed gearbox abroad is their first step on internationalization of intellectual property, marking its core technology can be protected in the authorized country, and they can also win bigger development space in domestic and overseas competition.
In recent years, FAST is making efforts in application of patents and intellectual property protection when fastening research and development of products and technological innovation. Cooperated with technology center FAST Patent & Trademark Department applied a batch of patent technologies with high quality. Till now more than forty FAST patents have been authorized, leading in domestic gearbox industry.
And FAST also drew up Incentive Management for Patent of Invention to encourage scientific and technical personnel to make innovations.
Source :
Editor : Eric