Bosch's Sale Surges in China

17 November 2009 News from Bosch Group, the leading German auto technology provider, reports that its sales in China may have 15 percent growth in this year due to the Chinese strong market demand. Bosch predicts that its sales value will reach 24 billion yuan ($3.52 billion) in the whole year.

Bosch group is very glad to see the two-digit growth in the market of China. According to Bosch long-term plan, it will expand its new energy related business in China. By the end of this year, some 35 engineers will work on powertrain electrification projects. The number of research and development engineers will increase to about 100 very soon.

In the year of 2009, Bosch invests some 1.5 billion yuan in China.

Source :

Editor : Wei Yu


Tags: Bosch Sale Surges

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