Qichi Testing Center Passed the CNAS Certification of National Laboratory
09 June 2009
Experts from the National Laboratory Certification Center tested Qichi Testing Center of Qijiang Gear Co., Ltd, and they came to the same conclusion that Testing Center of Qichi Gear met the requirements of certifications and other related requirements, system running was under control, laboratory testing and measurement were effective, products testing and measures control were in accord with the compulsory certification.
Experts checked Qichi Gear’s quality manual, procedures, regulations, relevant laws and regulations, as well as its ability to test and measure of mass production.10 major technical proficiency tests, 6 major and 3 minor field tests were carried out, and the experts also checked the items that were not qualified last time.
Source : english.chinabuses.com
Editor : Grant
Tags: Qichi Testing Center CNAS Certification