138 Units Foton Electric City Buses to Arrive in Chile for Operation

30 January 2022

Recently, 138 units Foton electric city buses officially embarked on their journey to Chile, ready for their operation in Santiago, the capital of the country. The arrival of this batch of city buses is set to further strengthen Foton’s presence in Chile. 
138 Units Foton Electric City Buses to Arrive in Chile for Operation
According to Foton, 107 units Foton electric city buses will replace the those diesel powered buses with Euro III Emission Standards. In addition, 31 units Foton electric city buses will be put on some new bus routes, providing more travel convenience for local residents.
138 Units Foton Electric City Buses to Arrive in Chile for Operation
In September, 2020, Foton exported its first batch of 215 units electric city buses to Chile. So far, these buses have accumulated a total mileage of over 15 million km, helping Chile cut the emissions of carbon dioxide by over three million tons. Moreover, they have been working smoothly, providing greener and more convenient transportation services for over 600,000 residents in Santiago.
To better serve its customer in Chile, Foton has a strong after-sales service team to provide 24/7 after-sales services to ensure the smooth operation of all Foton buses.  
138 Units Foton Electric City Buses to Arrive in Chile for Operation
As the most populous city in Chile, Santiago has already built a huge public transport network with nearly 10,000 units city buses. 
In 2021, Foton ranked the third place in China among all bus makers in the export of new energy mid- and large-sized buses. In just a few years, it has been playing a leading role in Chile in promoting greener public transport.

Source : www.chinabuses.org

Editor : Lucy


Tags: Foton AUV Chile South America

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