Microvast Batteries Powered Double-deckers Start Operation in Wellington
27 July 2018
In early March this year, an electric bus powered by Microvast batteries started operation in New Zealand, ushering a brand new era for the country’s public transport sector.
Considering the body structure of a double-decker and the unique terrain in Wellington, Microvast ruled out the possibilities of adopting the slow-recharging system. Statistics reveal that the double-decker powered by Microvast batteries only consumes 0.75 kW.h electricity for every kilometer.
After operating for a period of time, the double-deckers powered by Microvast batteries have also received favorable reports from several local media in New Zealand.
“We are very pleased to be the first batch of consumers of Microvast fast-recharging batteries in the south hemisphere,” said Keven Snelgrovejiao, Operating Director of Tranzit Group, the operator of Microvast batteries powered double-deckers.(www.chinabuses.org)
Source : www.chinabuses.org
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