Higer is Next Chinese Bus on the Italian Market
26 May 2017
www.chinabuses.org: DGI of Gussago, Italy has started the import of Higer buses in Italy. The company was founded by its President, the Swiss entrepreneur Daniel Faeh, with the aim to respond to the current and future needs of the bus market in an innovative way.
The experience gained over more than forty years in the import and distribution of bus components from the companies of the group (Oscar Faeh and Ofira Italian), allowed Mr Faeh to gain a different perspective, looking for the best products having as a parameter the quality and innovativeness of the product itself, seeking the best solution in a wide range of manufacturers worldwide.
In the past this led to collaborations with manufacturers such as Atomic (Irmaos Mota) for two/three-axle touring coaches, city and intercity buses, Indbus for school buses. Most recent addition is the Chinese manufacturer Higer for electric buses and touring midi coaches.
Source : Busworld
Tags: Higer electric buses midi coaches Italy