Bosch to Expand Manufacturing of Automotive Safety Technologies in China

23 June 2008

June 6, 2008 Dalian - Bosch, the global leading automotive technology supplier, inaugurated its new facility named Bosch Chassis Systems ( Dalian) Co. Ltd in Dalian, the famous seaport located in the Northeast of China. Through the new facility, Bosch will achieve fully localized manufacturing capabilities for Chassis Systems Brakes products and will be able to better serve its customers in China.


In 2007 Bosch completed the acquisition of 75.3 percent of shares of the former holding company Pacifica. The plant in Dalian covers approx 83,000 square meters and has more than 500 associates at present. It was established in 2005 and formerly named Pacifica Automotive Technology ( Dalian) Co., Ltd. Bosch plans to expand the employment to reach more than 700 associates by the end of 2008: Dalian will then become one of the largest manufacturing bases of Bosch Chassis System Brakes in the world. Before the acquisition t he original investment of the plant including production facilities stood at 45 million Euros. Bosch will expand the production capacity to meet local and export market needs with further investment of 12 million Euros by the end of 2008.


“ The positive business development in China encourages Bosch to invest further. Bosch business results in China reached consolidated growth of 41% last year mostly from local production.”, said Peter Pang, President of Bosch ( China ) Investment Ltd. “ Our new facility in Dalian where we’ll produce brake systems demonstrates our commitment to continuously localize and support the local automotive industry with the latest Bosch technology.”


Bosch Chassis Systems ( Dalian) Co., Ltd delivers innovative solutions in braking systems, supported by a complete integrated production process from aluminum and cast iron foundry, plating, machining to assembling . The core products are aluminium and cast iron calipers, parking brakes, brake rotors and master cylinders .


“With the Dalian plant and the Suzhou R&D facility, Bosch Chassis Systems Brakes division has the full local capabilities which include R&D, application, production and service” emphasized Markus Bube, Regional President of Bosch Chassis Systems Brakes China. “The new facility will enhance our capability to offer latest automotive safety innovations on the OEM market which will in turn enable us to generate more business and employment in China”.




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Tags: Bosch Safety Technologies

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