Yutong Explores Colombia Market

02 September 2008

Recently, 21 Colombian bus dealers and clients led by Mr.AlejandroOssa, Economic Counselor of Colombian Embassy of China visited Yutong, China's largest bus manufacturer, and received warm welcome from Yutong's overseas general manager Qin yangwen.


This batch of Colombian guests visited Yutong industry part, production assembly, products inspection line, the new chassis production line, chassis electrophoresis workshops. They also got on and experienced several Yutong buses. They all show their high praise and appreciation on Yutong bus.


Colombia is the third largest country in Latin America and has enormous bus market potential since the country has experienced rapidly transportation development. Yutong had set its foot on Colombia in early 2008, and started an itinerate Yutong bus exhibition in Colombia. At present, 68 Yutong buses are about to exported to Colombia.


Source : english.chinabuses.com

Editor : James


Tags: Yutong Explores Colombia Market

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