New JAC Shop Opens in Kuwait

10 June 2009

News from Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Co., Ltd says that its new show room in Kuwait is put into use at the beginning of this month with under the great efforts of its local distributor. The area of new show room is huge and bright. According to JAC’s plan, it shows the high quality of JAC autos.


JAC's distributor has very rich experience in the local place. It can make all kinds of special vehicles to the local market. JAC believes that it will be a bright future in Kuwait market under its bilateral efforts and cooperation.


Anhui Jianghuai Automobile co., Ltd originally called Hefei Jianghuai Automobile Factory came into existence in 1964, was founded on September 30, 1999. Now JAC has more than 9000 employees with total asset of RMB 6.1 billion, covering an area of nearly 4.05 million square meters. JAC was listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2001. JAC is an enterprise of high and new technology of Anhui province as well as a key enterprise of high-new technology into the National Torchlight Plan; it is one of the top 500 enterprises in China.



Source :

Editor : Frederick


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