50 Units Ankai Buses Start Serving School Children in Dominican Republic

24 January 2024

On January, 15, a batch of 50 units Ankai buses arrived in Dominican Republic, officially starting their operation in the country. According to Ankai, all the 50 units buses will be serving school children in Santo Domingo, the capital of the country.

Having received electrophoresis treatment, Ankai bus particularly designed for Dominican Republic is highly corrosion-resistant. With a streamlined body structure, it is equipped with a host of advanced technologies and achieves a superbly high safety standard. Adopting softer and healthier fabrics for upholstery on board, it creates a comfortable traveling environment for passengers.

Dominican Republic is a Caribbean paradise with islands and endless white sand beaches, turquoise sea, corals, humpback whales, jungles, caves, lagoons, and mountains that include the highest peak in the Caribbean. It also has extreme profound history, vivid culture, natural wonders, and charming residents. As the largest economy in Central America and Caribbean Sea Area, it sets a high standard for buses due to its tropical wet climate.

In recent years, Dominican Republic has been making huge investments in building its infrastructure. In 2022, it launched a new campaign to upgrade the transportation services for school children across the nation, providing safe, free and comfortable transportation services for students between their schools and homes.

Source : www.chinabuses.org

Editor : Lucy


Tags: Ankai school bus Dominican

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